what do you feel right now? are you happy? when is the last time u feel happy?
when it comes to this matter, it something to do with your inner self~Qalb or Heart.
kebahagiaan terletak pada diri seseorang,bagaimana ia menafsirkannya.
people always said, life is full of choices. then, why need to be suffered? choose to be happy and do whatever it takes. it's simple right? C= apa pun masalah yang kita hadapi, tempuhi dengan senyuman. buat pilihan yang terbaik. tidaklah salah untuk menjaga hati sendiri~it sounds selfish but it's not. kalau bukan kita, then sepa lagi? tepuk dada tanya selera!
if our happiness being taken by somebody else then, move on. buktikan yang kita boleh mengorak langkah ke arah kegemilangan dan berjaya dalam apa yang kita lakukan. (biarkan dia like c 'Luncai dgn labu-labunya').
it's enough right? so, choose the best for your future and this is what i have done! C=
The Giver (2014)
9 years ago
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